近年来,爱尔兰国家学院(National College of Ireland,简称NCI)的HR毕业生成功就职于谷歌、普华永道、IBM等各大企业。
作为CIPD在英国和爱尔兰最大的course provider,爱尔兰国家学院开设了数量最多的人力资源管理课程,涵盖了本科、硕士各个级别,70%以上的爱尔兰HR经理级别都曾在爱尔兰国家学院接受过专业教育:

其中,本科给大家推荐BA in Human Resource Management(3年制),毕业即可受到CIPD认证。
BA in Human Resource Management
About this Course
Senior HR professionals shape business strategy and this HR degree will equip you to move towards these types of interesting roles. This full-time HR course draws on NCI’s sixty years as the leading educational institution for human resource management. Our world-class faculty and industry links mean you will find the course to be current, practical and comprehensive. You will graduate with an extremely well-regarded qualification and excellent career prospects. This is an excellent business degree with a focus on human resources that will equip you with the latest knowledge and build on your skills in working with people.
About this Course
This intensive course has been developed in consultation with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).
The programme aims to develop an in-depth understanding of the core disciplines in the area of human resources (HR). It recognises that HR must operate in challenging and dynamic business environments that are constantly changing and seeks to enable students to deliver effective business solutions that optimise the people resources of their organisation.
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