好消息,都柏林大学建筑学硕士专业喜获NAAB认证官方宣布,都柏林大学的建筑学硕士学位于3月26日获得NAAB(National Architectural Accrediting Board美国建筑学鉴定委员会)的“实质性对等”认证,这是经过严格专业与学术资格评定的结果。The National Architectural Accerditing Board美国建筑教育评估委员会NAAB成立于1940年,是美国最古老的建筑教育认证机构。它对美国各大学的建筑学专业和学位组织评定,并对美国境外符合NAAB认证标准的学术机构授予“实质性对等”认证。
爱尔兰都柏林大学建筑、规划与环境政策学院院长Hugh Campbell教授介绍说:“此次UCD建筑学硕士学位取得美国建筑学鉴定委员会的认证,是对我们学院学者优异的学术成绩,教学质量以及学生的学习水平与创新能力的认可。我们非常荣幸可以为学生提供一个获得全球范围的建筑教育认证机构认可的学位证书,获得这个学位将是学生准备专业建筑实践的重要一步。”
UCD Masterof Architecture achieves Substantial Equivalency from the NAAB
UCD has achieved the Substantial Equivalencyfrom the USA’s National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). The NAABevaluates Architectural programmes in colleges anduniversities throughout the United States of America and the SubstantialEquivalency Award is presented by NAAB to those institutions that meet thestandards but are based outside of the United States.
UCD’s M. Arch. degree (pre-requisite 3-year B.Sc. Arch. + 2-year M.Arch.) has been granted NAAB’s Substantial Equivalency designation for a termof six years, effective January 1, 2017.
Rooted in its context, UCD Architecture isglobal in its outlook. Uniquely UCD’s Architecture degree is accredited by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), the Royal Institute of the Architects ofIreland (RIAI), and now most recently has been awardedthe Substantial Equivalency from the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) thus ensuring all graduateshave an internationally benchmarkedqualification.
Professor HughCampbell, Dean of Architecture, said “ThisNAAB Substantial Equivalency Accreditation for our M.Arch programme istestament to the excellence of the faculty, the high quality of the teachingand the calibre of our students at UCD. We are delighted to give them aqualification which is recognised worldwide, and which allows them access tothe architectural profession wherever they choose to go next.”
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